Wednesday, November 7, 2012

And it's a win for the Federal Reserve and Goldman Sachs!

Don't know what I was expecting. I mean, to think that the pro-war, pro-NDAA, pro-TSA, pro-Patriot Act, pro-interventionism, pro-torture, pro-foreign aid, pro-healthcare mandate, pro-drug war, pro-bailout, pro-stimulus, pro-corporatism, pro-Federal Reserve, pro-deficit, and was primarily funded by Goldman Sachs won the election.

Absolutely shocking.

But in all honesty, it's probably a good thing Obama won. The only possible benefit I could really see from Romney winning would have been Supreme Court picks. Now, we've taught the Republican party that even though they were up against a candidate with an approval rating as low as Carter's, without a good candidate of their own they will not win.  This may give rise to some actual changes in the 2016 election.

Or maybe expecting real change through the election process is a fantasy by itself. We'll see, I guess.

In a bit of actual good news, congratulations Colorodo! With the pass of amendment 64, marijuana is finally legal for recreational use by adults!

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