Sunday, August 26, 2012

Republicans change the rules to stop Paul

When governments establish things like rules, whether for national conventions or even a Constitution, they are mostly for show, and will be broken when they think they can get away with this. This has recently been proven with the Republican mistreatment of Ron Paul.

With the Republican National Convention just around the corner, the establishment is worried that people will see that Romney isn't unanimously liked and that the party is divided. Which it is. Ron Paul holds about 20% of the delegates.

To be nominated on the convention floor, a candidate must have at least 5 states supporting him. While this kicks out Gingrich and Santorum, it does not kick out Ron Paul, who holds Maine, Minnesota, Nevada, Iowa, and Virginia. He did have Oregon and Louisiana, but the Republican has been working non-stop to strip Ron Paul of his rightful entitlements, breaking their own rules to keep him out.

After other attempts at changing the rules specifically to keep Paul out failed, the Republicans are trying to invalidate the state of Maine so that Paul will no longer hold his plurality.

Watch more about it here:

I shouldn't be surprised, yet I always am. I call shenanigans.

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