Thursday, August 30, 2012

Speak of the devil

Justice Monika Schmidt sentenced Jian Chen to three years and nine months of jail time. Her crime?  Killing her former lover Xian Peng after lacing his soup with sleeping pills, tying him up for six hours, and then stabbing him repeatedly in the neck and groin and cutting off part of his penis which was then flushed down the toilet.

Chen thought he deserved it because she was under the impression that he was a conman sleeping around with women, having babies with them, as a way of controlling them.

And she only got three years and nine months. Damn you patriarchy!

I must be misunderstanding the word manslaughter, because drugging someone, tying them up, and stabbing them to death and sexually mutilating them is murder in my book. Like, really really messed up psycho killer murder. Did she not know that stabbing someone in the neck usually kills someone?

Imagine if the roles were reversed! What if a man thought a woman was a gold digger, sleeping around and having babies so she could collect alimony money, so he drugs her, cuts off her breasts, and stabs her in the throat and groin to death? What would happen? We would call for his head on a pike! This is a truly monstrous act!

I can only imagine that she got this special treatment because she's a woman. Where's the outrage, feminists? Where is it?

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